This and that

A few limericks that didn’t win prizes…

A middle-aged gal from the Yukon
Fearing loving and sex were a bygone
Mistakenly signed her-
-self up onto Grindr
And now she’s a famous gay icon

Succumbing to nightly hot flushes?
Commit to your consciousness such is
Not hormonally causal
Nor damned menopausal
But surges of power in rushes

Melania helped Donald Trump
Make a charity parachute jump
‘Twas not altruism
Informed his decision
But a shove out of Airforce One’s rump

An MP who voted for Brexit
Declared that he had for, like sex it
Was best to withdraw
An old member before
The party it’s shafting ejects it

The unicorns sold by Farage,
Like the rainbows, were just a mirage.
That fabulous prize?
A farrago of lies.
Xenophobia won. Quel domage
(Martyn Stead)